Did you know that the Tradingview.com charts allow you to get notified so that you can know when the price of a security reaches your target? Alerts are super useful and can save you a lot of screen time. Follow the below steps to learn how to set alerts on the Tradingview price chart.


1 Visit TradingView.com or open your desktop client and make sure you are logged in.
2 Open your chart.
3 Point your mouse on the price you want to get notified.

4 You will see a + button.

Tradingview Tips - How to set alert(s) on your Tradingview chart

Tradingview.com – Chart Alert + icon

5 Click on the + button to see a menu with the first option – ‘Add an alert for .. “.
6 Choose the 
‘Add an alert for ..’ option.
7 You will now see a horizontal line running across the chart – Which means you have successfully set an alert at the price level.
8 Double-click on the horizontal line to customise the alert with some advanced options i.e email, popup, sound notifications, and message to show in the alert.
9 To remove the alert from your chart, right-click on the horizontal line and choose the ‘Remove’ option.

#Pro tip: On your Tradingview.comchart, press Alt + A ( Mac ) or Option + A ( Windows ) on the keyboard to show the advanced alert options window on the chart screen.

Next Tip to Read: How to find the latest news headlines specific to the chart you are looking at on Tradingview?

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