Did you know that on Tradingview.com you can find the latest news headlines specific to the chart you are currently viewing?
Follow the below steps to learn how to do it.
1 Visit TradingView.com or open your desktop client and make sure you are logged in.
2 Open your chart
3 Click on the third icon from the top on the far right-hand side( below Publish button in blue)

Image: Tradingview.com News Headline for a chart
4 You will a window slide open to the left which has all the news headlines.
5 Start from the top to read through all the latest news headline(s) specific to the chart you are currently viewing.
6 If you change the security symbol in the chart then your news headlines feed automatically changes.
#Pro tip: If you want to read detailed news of a headline then click on the headline to open a popup window. After you finish reading close the popup window by clicking ‘X’ on the far right-hand side to return to your chart view with news headlines.
Next Read: How to change your TradingView Chart background colour?
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